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Monday, November 9, 2009

FACTBOX-Economic policies of Japan's new ruling party

Sept 16 (Reuters)

Japan's new prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, took office on Wednesday at the head of a government that has pledged to shift Japan towards a stronger domestic economy from its heavy reliance on exports.

Below is an outline of his party's major election campaign policies on economic issues:


-- Pay families an allowance of 26,000 yen ($286) per month per child from April 2011.

-- Make public high schools free of charge.

-- Abolish a decades-old surcharge of about 25 yen per litre on gasoline and other car-related taxes at a cost of 2.5 trillion yen.

-- Gradually scrap highway tolls.

-- Increase household disposable income by these means, expand consumption and thus change the Japanese economy to one in which growth is led by domestic demand; realise stable economic growth. [ID:nT115439]

-- Hold off raising the sales tax from its current 5 percent for the next four years.

-- Fully introduce income support for farmers from April 2011.

-- Support information technology, biotechnology and environment-related businesses as growth sectors, along with agriculture.


-- Cut wasteful spending by such means as halting public works projects and reducing government personnel costs.

-- Gradually implement key proposed policies such as child allowances at a cost of 7.1 trillion yen in the year starting next April, rising to 16.8 trillion yen in the fourth year.


-- Bring down the corporate tax rate for small and mid-sized firms to 11 percent from 18 percent.

-- Establish a nationwide minimum wage of 800 yen per hour and aim to increase it to 1,000 yen per hour.

-- In principle ban manufacturers from employing temporary workers and expand permanent employment.


-- Cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020 and by more than 60 percent by 2050. [ID:nT104080]

-- Create a domestic emissions trading market with compulsory volume caps on emitters and consider introducing a climate tax.

-- Introduce a "feed in" tariff for any type of renewable energy supply, under which power companies pay an above-market rate for every unit of such types of power, and boost renewable energy sources to about 10 percent of primary energy supply by 2020.


-- Promote negotiations on a free trade agreement with the United States and actively promote talks on such agreements with various Asia-Pacific countries, covering a broad range of fields including investment. Do this without hurting stable food supply and domestic agriculture. [ID:nT323041]


-- Focus for two years starting next April on recovering missing pension records.

-- Standardise the pension system with a minimum pension allowance of 70,000 yen per month for those who had low incomes or who lack sufficient pension contributions.The minimum pension allowance will be funded by consumption tax revenues.


-- Enact a law to freeze the sale of shares in Japan Post, Japan Post Bank and Japan Post Insurance.

-- Review the four-way divestiture of Japan Post-related services and ensure convenient access to post office services everywhere throughout the country. ($1=91.00 Yen) (Reporting by Yoko Kubota)

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