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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

JAPAN: Tourism Lagging in Japan So Pack Your Bags and Go!

Jan 30th 2010 at 3:01PM

by Deb West (RSS feed)

The Japanese National Tourism Organization announced that the number of foreign visitors to Japan are down. Just a year ago in 2008 the number of visitors to Japan was at a record high of 8.35 million and now the number has fallen by 18.7 percent to 6.79 million. It is the biggest drop in the rate of tourism the country has seen in forty years.

The decline is being attributed to the global economic downturn, a strong yen which makes travel to Japan expensive and fears over the swine flu. Interestingly the country's largest tourism markets are South Korea, Taiwan and China. Japan had been enjoying an increase of visitors for decades. In 1989 there were 2.84 million tourists and a decade later in 1999 the number had almost doubled to 4.44 million visitors.

Some of the biggest hassles one encounters when traveling revolve around other tourists. The best news for people who are interested in going abroad to a country whose tourism numbers are down is that they are likely to experience less crowded conditions at major attractions and even promotional deals from hotels with unexpected seasonal vacancies.

Japan is a great place to travel to if you've always wanted to visit Asia but are timid about going to the Far East. It offers all the benefits of a completely modernized society as well as a rich cultural history. Kyoto is a former imperial city with a rich tradition in the arts and a center of Japanese Buddhism. You can stay at the Hyatt Regency Kyoto for a more Western experience or try one of the two most famous traditional ryokans in all of Japan, Tawaraya or Hiiragiya. Do not be fooled by the understated surroundings, at these "inns" you can indulge in Japanese baths, gourmet dining and sleep on the floor all in the utmost of Japanese luxury.

In Spring, specifically late March to early April, Japan is abloom with cherry blossoms. Spectacular trees are found all over the country, and there are detailed forecasts of where to go when, to see the booming trees. The country has thirteen registered World Heritage Sites, incredible shrines and temples, hot springs and major cities with amazing shopping and incredible restaurants. Seems like the perfect time to enjoy this spectacular country, so pack a bag and go!

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