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Sunday, February 7, 2010

DALIAN, CHINA: Golden Stone Beach (Jinshi Tan)


Golden Stone Beach is an attractive beach with splendid coves and rock formations. There's also a golf course, an amusement park and even a museum of Mao badges! A light-rail line runs to Golden Stone Beach about every 15 minutes from the depot on Triumph Plaza, behind the Dàlián train station (Y8, 50 minutes).


Jinshi Tan (Gold Pebble Beach) -- With a little effort you can enjoy a clean beach without loudspeakers, tour groups, or other tackiness that infects the city shores. Hop on the light rail (qinggui) at the Dalian Zhan railway station and take it to the last stop, Jinshi Tan; the ride takes about an hour and passes by suburbs and factories along the coast. Taxis are sparse, so once you arrive, take a private car (¥5/65¢/35p) or a horse-drawn carriage (¥10/$1.30/65p) to the area's best strip of beach, Huangjin Hai'an. It's a good swimming spot and the fine-pebble beaches are nearly empty except during the high season (Aug-Sept).

1 comment:

  1. hello there

    I have been many times to golden stone beach,its really a exotic destination with superb art locations ,caves and rocks, golf course,amusement park and a museum of Mao badges.

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